5 Fave Air-Purifying Indoor Plants - LIKHÂ

5 Fave Air-Purifying Indoor Plants

Do you want to breathe a little more comfortably? Invest in indoor plants that help purify the air in your home. 

The Air In There

If you think that staying indoors will keep you away from air pollution, think again.

Around four million people die prematurely from illnesses that can be attributed to indoor air pollution. According to the World Health Organization, household air pollution can cause non-communicable diseases. This includes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ischaemic heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke. Another culprit is the inhalation of particulate matter (soot).

There’s a wide range of air pollutants that may cause air quality problems inside your home. Here are some examples:

    • Building materials. This includes pressed wood products. Examples are cabinetry or furniture, new carpet, flooring, and upholstery.
    • Central heating and cooling systems
    • Excess moisture
    • Fuel-burning combustion appliances. Simple stoves using biomass, coal, and kerosene are examples.
    • Humidification devices
    • Outdoor sources such as outdoor air pollution, radon, and pesticides
    • Products for household cleaning and maintenance, hobbies, and personal care
    • Tobacco products

Cleaning, improper use of products, malfunctioning appliances, and poor ventilation also affect indoor air quality. 

Indoor Plants For Indoor Comfort

With all these facts and figures floating about, you would want to steer clear of these harmful fumes.

To improve indoor air quality, remove individual source of pollution. This method is most effective way of enhancing air quality. Ensuring that gas stoves are correctly adjusted is one way. Do this to reduce its carbon monoxide emission. 

Another way of reducing indoor air pollution is by improving ventilation. For instance, you can open doors and windows – weather permitting – when you are painting. Installing exhaust fans that suck air from inside your space can help clear the air.  You can do this while you are cooking or engaging in hobby and maintenance activities.

Air cleaners can also be a good way of purifying the air inside your home. You can find a variety of air-cleaning devices in the market. However, some may deem it too expensive. Opting to care for houseplants has been a popular and cost-effective option.

The NASA Clean Air Study showed that some indoor plants can aid in air purification. The study suggests that certain common houseplants can naturally remove volatile organic pollutants. Among the harmful chemicals are benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

Certain indoor plants also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis. This process helps clear the air indoors.Check out the list of air-purifying indoor plants we have collated for you below:

1. Aloe Vera

    Aloes are easy-to-care-for succulents that you can grow at home. They help clear benzene and formaldehyde from the air.  The gel from this “healing plant” is also used to heal minor burns.

    Place them in unique animal planters around the kitchen. Choose a sunny spot and water occasionally.

    2. Areca Palm

    Areca is also called bamboo palm, golden cane palm, and yellow palm. This perennial is a favorite among houseplant aficionados. Its full and narrow fronds complemented by golden trunks enhance any space in the house. Even better, they also help remove formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene from the air.
    Indoor Areca palms are best planted in peat-based, well-draining potting mix.You can place them in handwoven seagrass planters or floor baskets. Remove them when it’s time for their once-a-week (or every ten days during fall and winter) shower.

    3. Gerbera Daisy

    Gerberas are not just a favorite because of their pretty posies. They’re also happy helpers when it comes to cleaning indoor air. 
    This annual produces high levels of oxygen at night.  It also it also removes harmful chemicals like benzene and trichloroethylene. People with sleep apnea and breathing disorders can especially benefit from gerberas.

    Place them in an earth-friendly basket by your bedside table to enjoy a good night’s sleep.

    4. Pothos

    pothos in basket

    Different varieties of pothos are also a crowd favorite. It has earned high marks from the NASA Clean Air study. These vining tropicals can help clear the air. It eliminates benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene.
    Place them in hanging baskets and let their leaves trail down. You can also place them in animal planters or handwoven baskets to get that naturistic vibe.

    5. Snake Plant

    A beginner’s favorite, snake plant or Mother-in-law’s Tongue is a hardy houseplant. It is unique for its nighttime oxygen production. Snake plants can also purify the air. It removes dangerous chemicals like benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, toluene, and xylene.

    Able to survive in the most demanding conditions, snake plants thrive even in low light. Just be careful not to overwater. It is best placed in bedrooms. You can cluster them together in handwoven floor baskets. It can also look good as a stand-alone piece.

    Plants For Health

    When you want to avoid air pollution or at least reduce the amount of it in your home, you can turn to indoor plants. Plants have several benefits that you can make use of. Placing them around the house could help make you breathe easier in more ways than one.